Snapshot Permissions to adjust strategies (does not work with multi sigs)
Need to Fix ARB strategies
Need to understand complete permissions flow with EOA/Multisig/GK wallet
Need to create new address to replace GK address
Add new address encrypted information to OnePass
What is the best way to encrypt?
Need to adjust perms with New address added
Acceptance Criteria: Onepass has a encrypted seed of the strategies address used to engage with Snapshot.
All WSLs confirm they have access to OnePass
Godaddy (website/domains)
Foundation has perms to godaddy for .com and app
Is there a deadline/timeline for migration?
Would there be anything else to take over?
Talk with Hpayne about domains they are taking over
DAO would now be responsible for renewals with Godaddy (set alerts? perform actions?)
Acceptance Criteria: DAO has perms for all Foundation GoDaddy related domains
There is a plan for short/medium/long term Domain controls
Are there any other sites/services the Foundation still has left to pass to the DAO?
Other things needed to get closer to decentralized/not dependent on the Foundation
Taxistake bill
Any other AWS bills?
What else?
Github cost?
Figjam cost?
Other tools..?
Acceptance Criteria: Complete list of Foundation responsibilities/dependancies
Identify those that can be set up to be actioned as well as those with blockers
build new timeline of decentralization away from foundation (domains/email)
Set alerts or notifications for renewals?
Set to which email(s)?
Acceptance Criteria: Notifications to all WSLs to avoid tragedy of the commons with renewal notifications
WSLs can log in and performed desired actions
Audit of what should be in there, what is missing
Twitter? Other platforms?
Personal payments for DAO services
Audit of all things being paid for that are DAO dependencies
Do they need to be set up in their current formation?
Strike system vs ban system
Boosts!? 14 currently. (required 14) i think we should add to the stream to if it falls under 14, that we buy as needed to keep 14, to not rug Discord.
Role optimization