

  1. Check GitHub to see if there are any new blockchain node releases and determine if an upgrade is needed. Most importantly, check to see there is a fork coming up. If so follow directions here
    1. Primarily look for forks
  2. Make sure have a recent, valid snapshot for each chain
  3. Consider making a Gitbook sheet to track monthly maintenance checks

Monitoring and Alerts


Alerts when storage volume utilization exceeds 80%. If increase is needed follow directions here


Watchtower block height monitors track the difference between the WT ingester height and the node height. If they are different by more than a certain amount, an alert goes out to OpsGenie Coins Team rotation and Discord #critical

Monitors are configured here: prod

Dashboard with status for each chain:

Screen Shot 2021-09-28 at 11.48.53 AM.png

Maintenance Tasks

Increase storage volume

There are alerts whenever more than 80% of volume is used. To increase: