—Refer to @ users will work. but do not use, unreliable. (fake names/etc) are extremely likely. Only use @ USERID for commands. That cannot be changed.
These commands can be run if a user's native Discord permissions would allow using the command, or if they have the designated mod role (see the Settings commands below).
>>kick <@users or user IDs...> [reason]
Kicks all of the provided users (or user IDs). If a reason is included, that reason is used in the audit log and moderation log.
>>ban <user IDs...> [time] [reason]
Bans all of the provided user IDs. If a length of time is included, the users will be unbanned after the provided time. If a reason is included, that reason is used in the audit log and moderation log.
>>softban <@users or user IDs...> [reason]
Bans and then immediately unbans all the provided users. This is useful to simultaneously kick a user and clean all of their recent messages. If a reason is included, that reason is used in the audit log and moderation log.
>>silentban <@users or user IDs...> [time] [reason]
Identical to >>ban
, but no messages will be deleted
>>unban <@users or user IDs...> [reason]
Unbans users.
>>clean <parameters>
Cleans all messages in the current channel matching the given parameters. See Cleaning Messages for more detailed information about this command.
Does not remove pinned msg’s nor msg over 2 weeks old
>>voicekick <@users or user IDs...>
Creates a temporary voice channel, moves the provided users into it, and then deletes the channel, effectively kicking them from voice.
>>voicemove [channel]
Puts Vortex into the specified voice channel (or your current channel if no arguments are provided) and waits. When you drag Vortex to a new channel, he will drag all users in the current channel to the new channel.