These variables configure aspects of FOXChain’s operation.

Key Default Description
SecondsPerBlock 6 The target number of seconds per block
RewardEmissionTargetBasis 1000 The target for the reward emissions is expressed as basis points (1000 = 10%)
RewardEmissionDuration 10,511,667 How long emissions are emitted, expressed in blocks.
MinDataHostBondAmount 500,000,000 The amount of NT required to bond a new DataHost to the system. Unit is specified in uNT where 1.0 NT = 1,000,000 uNT.
MinValidatorBondAmount 1000,000,000 The minimum amount of NT required to bond a new Validator to the system. Unit is specified in uNT where 1.0 NT = 1,000,000 uNT.

| BlocksPerYear | 5256666 | The number of blocks expected to be committed per year |