What is the problem? & Why are we solving it?

Bridging on aggregators is garbage. Connext is better base rates especially for gnosis which is where the DAO handles it’s payouts.

How does it help Shapeshift users or DAO?

More bridge better experience and better for DAO because monies

Pop it into multi hop widget and OMG bonkers

How are we solving it?

What is Connext?

What are the requirements (engineering, marketing, grants etc.)?

What are the risks and how will we mitigate them?

Does this effect EOA wallets, UTXO wallets, Smart Contract Wallets, Hardware wallets, or a limited scope of them?

Does this cross multiple blockchains?

Does this require complex signatures?

Technical due diligence

<aside> 💡 Articulate how & what technical due diligence was completed. Or what technical blockers were communicated to a partner and when they were resolved.


What are the costs associated with this?

How do we know it works? (Success/Failure Criteria)

What is the planned dashboard or metrics management strategy? E.g., min performance KPI, range of success and failure cases, min revenue or TVL expectations.

NAME Growth Success Failure