As a handy primer you can see the notion pages on how we ship product here at ShapeShift now. Link to “shipping pipeline ⛴️ ” ( ) Everything worth building starts with a spec, they can be beefy, or they can be short, but they CANNOT skip on technical due diligence, risks, and metrics for success. Historically, this DAO has struggled with focus, doing the work upfront brings the focus.

We have a lean cross functional approach and are aiming for a backlog<>in-progress ratio of 3 to 1 on our specs.

That being said, this is a frontier industry with many new ideas and technologies popping up everyday. All ideas are welcome and it's why we have a canny board. A public repository of half baked thoughts is fine as long as we understand that’s all canny is for the majority of it’s tickets.

That’s what inspired this post: canny is meant to be a place where pre work for specs is completed, the notion is a place for work to get organized and complete, and the community is a wealth of sourcing contributions. Hopefully, this list helps people understand how to be helpful and move things forward.

How to help Product Workstream

How to NOT help Product Workstream