As a user, I want to be able to access and update the additional KeepKey settings via the web app.


Interactive Mockup

View KeepKey Settings

  1. Expanding KeepKey information

    1. As a KeepKey user, I want to be able to click into my wallet to view the current settings and make adjustments as desired. (Mockup)
      1. Currently, on the V2 app, a user can see which wallet is connected in the top right corner of the screen, however, clicking the dropdown only lets the user disconnect/change wallet provider
      2. A user should be able to click the KeepKey wallet in the dropdown and the dropdown menu will change to the KeepKey settings modal. From here, a user should be able to access and update any of the following KeepKey settings(Mockup)
      3. A user can get back to the previous page/ main settings page by clicking a back button in the top left of the modal. This will be included on every modal page.
  2. Passphrase (Mockup)

    1. As a user, I want to be able to enable and disable my bip39 passphrase for my KK.
      1. When a user selects the passphrase section of the settings dropdown the modal updates with the appropriate passphrase page
        1. Copy: Enable the ability to have multiple wallets, accessible by using a unique passphrase for each wallet. (For Advanced Users) Learn More
          1. “Learn More” Should link to a helpdesk article explaining bip 39 passphrases (Article is being written by Support. No need to hyperlink this for now. Will go back once article is complete)
      2. A user is also presented with a toggle to be able to enable/disable the Passphrase
      3. On the next modal screen, the user must confirm the enabling of the passphrase on their KeepKey (Mockup)
        1. Copy: Press and hold the button on your KeepKey to activate your passphrase.
  3. Device Label (Mockup)

  4. As a user, I want to be able to update and save my device label for my KeepKey.

    1. When a user selects the label section of the settings dropdown the modal updates with the appropriate KK label page
      1. Copy: Labeling each of your devices allows you to easily distinguish one from the other.
    2. The label now appears in an editable text box where the user can keep or update the desired label. (Mockup)
    3. To save the label the user will select the “Update Label” button (Mockup)
      1. Note- the copy in the mockup says “get started” please change this to “Update label”
  5. Device PIN (Mockup)

    1. As a user, I want to be able to update my PIN
      1. When a user selects the label section of the settings dropdown the modal updates with the appropriate KK PIN page:
        1. Copy: The PIN is a combination of up to 9 numbers that you select after initializing your KeepKey. A PIN protects your device against unauthorized use in the event your KeepKey falls into the wrong hands.
      2. To update a users current PIN the user will select the “Update PIN” button (Mockup)
        1. Users will confirm on their KeepKey (Mockup)
        2. Copy: Press and hold the button on your KeepKey to change your PIN.
      3. The PIN modal should now update to a screen prompting the user to confirm their current PIN (Mockup)
        1. Copy: Enter your current PIN using the layout displayed on your KeepKey.
      4. To confirm, the user will select the “Continue” button
      5. The PIN modal should now update to a screen allowing the user to input their desired PIN (Mockup)
        1. Copy: Create a new PIN (up to 9 digits) using the layout display on your KeepKey.
      6. To confirm, the user will select the “Set PIN” button
      7. The user will now be prompted to confirm their new PIN (Mockup)
        1. Copy: Re-enter your PIN using the layout displayed on your KeepKey.
      8. To complete this process the user will now select a “Confirm PIN” button
      9. The user is now routed back to the original “Device PIN” modal with a notification notating the PIN was updated successfully (Mockup)
        1. (The user can now click the back arrow in the modal to get back to the main settings page)
  6. PIN Caching (Mockup)

    1. As a user, I want to be able to adjust my PIN Caching settings of my KeepKey
      1. When a user selects the PIN Caching section of the settings dropdown the modal updates with the appropriate PIN Caching page
        1. Copy: When this feature is turned on the device will remember your PIN.
      2. A user will be able to turn this on/off with a toggle below the copy
  7. Device Timeout (Mockup)

    1. As a user, I want to be able to adjust the timing of when my KeepKey goes to sleep
      1. When a user selects the Device Timeout section of the settings dropdown the modal updates with the appropriate Device Timeout page
        1. Copy: Your device goes to sleep after 10 minutes of inactivity by default. However, you can change this.
      2. The user can select which timeframe they want and their designation will be noted with a blue checkmark next to the users selection
      3. A user will be able to select from the following time frames:
        1. 10 minute
        2. 15 minutes
        3. 20 minutes
        4. 30 minutes
        5. 45 minuts
        6. 60 minutes
  8. Wipe Your KeepKey (Mockup)

    1. As a user, I want to be able to wipe my KeepKey.
      1. When a user selects the Wipe Device section of the settings dropdown a new popup displays with the appropriate Wipe Device page
        1. Copy: Reset your KeepKey to factory defaults. This will erase all content and settings on your KeepKey.
          1. Add checkbox. Copy: I understand that without my recovery phrase any funds will be unrecoverable and lost forever
        2. The user will start this process by selecting a “Get Started” Button
          1. Button should say “Wipe Device” instead of “Get Started”
        3. The user will confirm that they want to wipe their KeepKey on their device (Mockup)
          1. Copy: Press and hold the button on your KeepKey to confirm the reset to factory defaults.
        4. Once complete the user will be taken to a success modal screen with buttons with the ability to “Initialize Wallet or “Recover Wallet” (Mockup)
          1. Copy: You have successfully reset your KeepKey to factory defaults. You can now restore using an existing recovery seed, or create a new wallet.

          2. Recover Wallet

            1. The user will be prompted to create a new wallet label (Mockup)
              1. Copy: Labeling each of your devices allows you to easily distinguish one from the other.
            2. The user will be prompted to create a new PIN (Mockup)
              1. Copy: Create a new PIN (up to 9 digits) using the layout display on your KeepKey.
            3. The user will be prompted to confirm the new PIN (Mockup)
              1. Copy: Re-enter your selected PIN using the layout displayed on your KeepKey.
            4. The User will be prompted to recover their wallet (Mockup)
              1. The user must select the number of words of their recovery phrase
              2. The user must select if they are recovering with a bip 39 passphrase
                1. Copy: If you are unsure if your recovery sentence is protected by a passphrase, leave this off.
            5. The user will be prompted to enter their recover phrase 1 word at a time using just the first 4 letters of the word (mockup)
              1. Copy: Using the scrambled keyboard legend on your KeepKey enter the first 4 letters of each word, or click next when you’re done typing if there are less than 4 letters. Learn More
            6. The user will move on to the next word by selecting the “Next” button until ever word is entered.
            7. Upon entering the last word the device will begin to set up (Mockup)
              1. Copy: Please wait while we initialize your device and sync your addresses.
            8. Once the KeepKey is successfully restored the user is taken to a success modal (Mockup)
              1. Copy: Your wallet has been connected
              2. Copy: You wallet is now connected, if this window doesn’t close automatically you can dismiss it.

            b. Create New Wallet

            1. The user will be prompted to create a new wallet label (Mockup)
            2. The user will be prompted to create a new PIN (Mockup)
            3. The user will be prompted to confirm the new PIN (Mockup)
            4. The user will be prompted to write down their recover phrase (Mockup)
              1. Copy: Write down Recovery Sentence
              2. Copy: On your KeepKey screen, you will see your recovery sentence. Write it down. If you lose access to the device, your assets will ONLY be accessible by this sentence. Learn More
              3. Copy (Highlighted in yellow): It’s critical you write it down exactly as it appears on the KeepKey.Never share your recovery sentence, it grants access to all of your funds.
              4. Copy: Follow the steps on your KeepKey to view your Recovery Sentence. Write it down!
                1. Highlander and Nick to look at the ability to test recovery phrase...will follow up
              5. The modal updates as the wallet is being set up (Mockup)
                1. Copy: Setting up device…
                2. Copy: Please wait while we initialize your device and sync your addresses.
              6. The user is shown a success modal (Mockup)
                1. Copy: Your wallet has been connected
                2. Copy: You wallet is now connected, if this window doesn’t close automatically you can dismiss it.
  9. Update Firmware/Bootloader (Mockup)

    1. As a user, I want to be able to see if my firmware/bootloader is updated and if not, update it
      1. From the main settings screen there is a section for Bootloader and Firmware
        1. Each section will list the current version the KeepKey is on.
          1. If the KeepKey is up to date the version number is shown in green
          2. I the KeepKey is NOT up to date the version number is show in yellow and the user is able to click it to update the version.
            1. If the user already has the updater downloaded the app will open automatically upon clicking
            2. If the user does not have the updater app downloaded they will be prompted to download it (mockup)
              1. Once within the updater app the user will be able to follow prompts to update bootbloader/firmware
              2. Once updated the user should be prompted to return to the web app.